Association of Plumbing & Heating ContractorsAssociation of Plumbing & Heating Contractors
Association of Plumbing & Heating Contractors

We are members of the Association of Plumbing & Heating Contractors, APHC. Being a member of APHC helps reassure our customers of our professionalism as all members of APHC are vetted and their competency checked.

APHC members are qualified and professional businesses who are committed to high standards of workmanship and high levels of customer service. Only those plumbing and heating businesses that have passed APHC quality assurance criteria are accepted as an APHC member.

As an APHC member we must comply with industry standards including Building Regulations, Water Regulations and appropriate British Standards. It is compulsory that as APHC members we operate a customer complaints procedure designed to achieve an amicable resolution and we must adhere to the APHC Customer Charter, which sets out the minimum trading standard requirements when dealing with our customers.

Click here to find out the core requirements against which an APHC member is vetted.

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